

CeliacDisease | CeliacAdvanced | Protection
Nathaniel Ethan

The following information and links are those that my Mommy has found most helpful in getting me through this.

Pot-bellies & Skinny Tushies


My Mommy read this description and saw this picture and totally flipped. It's me!

"The classic clinical picture first was described by Samuel Gee in 1888. In the typical presentation of CD in the young child, a combination of a potbelly and thin buttocks are observed"


Is Moderation Safe?


People with celiac who do not follow a completely strict diet have a very high morbidity rate, as well as a much higher incidence of  osteopenia/osteoporosis, infertility, short stature, delayed puberty, anemia, lymphoma and for cancers of the mouth, pharynx, and esophagus. 
If a person with the disorder continues to eat gluten, studies have shown that he or she will increase their chances of gastrointestinal cancer by a factor of 40 to 100 times that of the normal population
Strict adherence to a gluten-free diet for 5 years or more decreases the risk of these malignancies in adults to rates similar to that of the unaffected population.

Super-Strict Diet...And There's Still Diarrhea...

Celiac often causes nutritional deficiencies, usually Iron, folate, Zinc or vitamin B-12. Even when following a srict gluten-free diet, you might continue to have chronic diarrhea as a result of these deficiencies.  Try adding in a multi-vitamin, and increasing certain non-gluten foods too, trial and error style, to see what hardens up the stool, indicating which nutritional item(s) are lacking.

Something else to try... the old anti-diarrhea standbys...applesauce, bananas, rice, creamy peanut butter, potatoes (without skin), gluten-free toast, tapioca pudding.

Limiting fried and fatty foods as well as milk and dairy products may also help.


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